Call to Order. The meeting, which was held at the Red Barn at the time of the annual Barbecue, was called to order by Walt Bradshaw, president, at approximately 1:00pm. Board members in attendance were:
Walt Bradshaw, President Mickie Spencer, 1st Vice President
Ted Ladewski, Treasurer David Farber, 2nd Vice President
Michael Moore, Secretary
Some 60 members of CEPOA were also present.
Walt began the meeting by introducing the current officers of CEPOA, named above. He also thanked volunteers who put the BBQ together.
Treasurer’s Report. Ted indicated that the balance in the treasury's checking account as of June 30 is about $7600, and that there are two CDs with a combined balance of about $8900. He said that there are no expenses needing to be paid. He also said that there were 154 paid-up members of CEPOA out of 256 homeowners in the Cabrillo Estates development.
Old Business.
A. Membership Drive. Walt said that the drive conducted earlier this year was very successful. He thanked David and Sandy Farber, along with Ted Ladewski, for their efforts.
B. Water for Entrance Landscaping. Walt explained that we have not had water for landscaping at the entrance to Cabrillo Estates due to a requirement for a back-flow device. He said that such a device has now been installed, and that water for landscaping is once again available. However, he further explained that, due to the current drought conditions, we are just watering enough to keep our drought-tolerant plants alive.
C. Fire prevention. Walt reported that Cal Fire, the Los Osos CSD and the California Conservation Corps have joined together to conduct a number of bush-clearing projects adjacent to Cabrillo Estates. He expressed appreciation for those efforts and said he will try to lobby for more projects to minimize the risk of a fire in these areas. Walt also expressed appreciation to Leon Goldin for his efforts in fire prevention in Los Osos.
D. New Members. Walt introduced several new members of CEPOA.
New Business
A. Questions and Answers. None.
B. Election of Officers. Walt announced that Sandy Farber has agreed to replace David Farber as VP membership, and that David will continue as webmaster and computer adviser. He said that the rest of the board has agreed to serve for another year, and he asked if there were any objections. As there were none, the current board was re-elected to another year’s term by voice acclamation.
C. Adjournment. Walt adjourned the meeting at about 2:00pm.