Minutes Nov. 4, 2010 (Unapproved)
CEPOA Minutes
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Burden Residence
Pamela Burden, President
Harold Vest, Treasurer
Mickie Spencer, First Vice President, Program
Joan Larive, Second Vice President, Membership
Bob van’t Reit, CSD Contact
Don Burden
Cheryl Dove Beverly Curtis
Deanna Taylor David Farber
Tamara Kaizuka Ted Ladewski
Sam Taylor Dennis Krouse
Darlene Krouse, temporary secretary
CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order at approximately 7:05 PM by CEPOA President Pamela Burden.
INTRODUCTION OF GUESTS: Everyone present signed an attendance sheet upon entering the Burdens’ home. Pam had each guest state vocally his/her name and residence street name.
Since each of the Board members had been emailed a copy of the Minutes from the June 24th and July 18th Board meetings and had reviewed them ahead of time, the reading of the Minutes from these two meetings was dispensed. There were no corrections or changes to the two previous meeting Minutes.
Mickie Spencer moved to accept the Minutes as presented, and Harold Vest seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Harold Vest passed out copies of the spreadsheet of income and expenses to date along with copies of the financial report as of October 31, 2010. There is no income noted so far, but income from dues and the directory ads will be coming in soon. He noted that to date CEPOA assets total $8,981.77.
Mickie Spencer moved to accept the Treasurer’s Report as presented and Bob van’t Reit seconded the motion. Motion was accepted.
Street Trimming of Vegetation – Pam reported that the trimming of vegetation growing over the curbs on various streets, has been completed. It will probably last for at least a year before it has to be done again. The County’s Street Maintenance Supervisor – Jeremy Ghent – arranged for this work.
CC&R Draft of October 27th – This issue was tabled until a report from a knowledgeable attorney is consulted.
Attorney Guenther’s Agreement – Pam stated that Attorney Christopher Guenther, who specializes in CC&Rs for homeowners’ organizations, has been contacted and will begin advising the Board on the creation of new CC&Rs or amending the old ones once we have approved his fee agreement. Some questions Pam would like to see answered are: 1) what is the viability of us having an election on the CC&Rs? Are the old CC&Rs still in effect even though they have lapsed? Can the old CC&Rs be amended? What are we legally able to include in these CC&Rs and what will be the cost to do so?
A discussion followed about the Legal Service Agreement. Harold brought up some concerns about the cost of hiring this attorney, the billing arrangements, and the related costs that will come with his services. Attorney Guenther’s fee is $225 per hour and the paralegal’s rate is $100 per hour. It was decided that his fees were reasonable relative to the fee schedules of most attorneys.
One of the guests wondered if other attorneys had been consulted. Pam indicated that no other attorney had been consulted because attorney Guenther had been the one who did the complete CC&Rs for Monarch Grove, and their Board was very pleased with the legal work he did for them. Their total expenditure for his work to create their CC&Rs was between $10,000 and $12,000, but their CC&Rs are much more involved than ours and required his attendance at meetings over a one or two year period.
The question came up about why our draft of CC&Rs does not include the vacation rental issue. Don noted that some of our members had met with Bruce Gibson this morning and learned that the County is in the process of creating an ordinance regarding vacation rentals that will be County wide and include a permit process. It will not prevent vacation rentals, but in areas where homeowner organizations have CC&Rs in effect that restrict vacation rentals, their CC&Rs will take precedence over the County’s ordinance and permit process.
Approving Attorney Guenther’s fee for a retainer is an important first step in our CC&R issue. We won’t know if it is plausible for us to continue with the amending of the CC&Rs until he has reviewed them. If he says we may legally amend or rewrite the CC&Rs, we will have many community meetings with the residents in Cabrillo. Nothing will change until there is a voting ballot approved by our members and this may be many months down the line.
Bob van’t Reit motioned to accept Guenther’s fee agreement with some minor modifications and a retainer fee of $1000 not to exceed $1500 to research our CC&Rs. Joan Larive seconded the motion. Motion carried.
Emergency Response Team Report – Cheryl, on behalf of Gary Dove, who could not be present, indicated that Gary has been in touch with the team captains and is in the process of checking the radios they have, to make sure they’re working. She doesn’t believe he has a captain yet in one section of Travis.. Pam noted that there is still a need for a captain on Bowie Drive to replace Jim Barbour (who passed away this past year). Cheryl and Gary are in the process of contacting people to fill those openings. Joan Larive reminded Cheryl that she will need to know the names of those people just as soon as possible so that their names may be put in the Directory. Pam noted that the people who are currently serving as team captains will also need to be called to make sure they will continue.
Fuel Reduction Report – Cheryl didn’t have this information at the meeting but emailed it a few days later. She stated that the latest information from Phil Veneris at CAL Fire is that a Habitat Conservation Plan is being completed by SLO County which will provide guidelines for both Cal Fire employees and private property owners regarding the management of wildfire fuel abatement on public and private property. He expects to begin work around Cabrillo Estates in late spring or winter of 2011.
Golden State Water District Rate Hike Report – Pam reported that she had contacted Bob Garner about this. He had worked very hard on this issue but hasn’t heard anything from them yet.
Holiday Party Report – Mickie Spencer stated that a sign-up form had been included in the newsletter concerning our holiday party which will be held at the Inn at Morro Bay on December 8th. There will be three dinner selections, and dessert and coffee will be included in the price of $42.00 per person. Their house wine will be available for a per glass or per bottle fee, or those in attendance may bring their own wine bottle for a $15 corkage fee. There will also be a white elephant gift exchange for those interested in participating in that. Pam, Cheryl, and possibly a new resident, Kim Safina, and will sing for us too! The Inn at Morro Bay was chosen because it is willing to rent the room to us for as few as 25 people. Because of the economy this year, we’re not sure how many people will be able to attend. Finding a facility that would allow for a small number of people became a factor for restaurant selection.
Membership Directory Report – Joan Larive reported that the dues letter was included with the newsletter and she has already received some dues payments from members and new residents. She has contacted some of the 14 advertisers and has gotten word back from many of them already. By the time that all of the dues and advertiser payments are in and everything is pulled together, it will probably be February before the 2011/2012 Membership Directory is printed and mailed out. Since there is now a CEPOA website, that website address will also be noted in the Directory, and some of the information that is usually found in the Directory will also be put on the website for the convenience of members. She will work with Don on this. Pam would also like to see more advertisers on the blank pages at the end of the Directory. Joan mentioned that she will also need an updated tree list for the Directory. Mickie Spencer said she would look into this.
Website Creation Report – Don Burden gave us the address for this new website: Presently, he has put on this website the Articles of Incorporation, the By-laws, the latest revised draft of the CC&Rs, Minutes from the last year, some of the Treasurer’s reports, and some of the newsletters. Pam felt strongly that this website should not be interactive, i.e. a site where people may send in their comments, etc. The intent was that it be informational. If it becomes an interactive website, there will have to be someone who monitors the website all the time. The cost for 6 months of website use is $51 and that’s all we have committed to right now. Extending this time period will probably cost around $5 per month and if the Board thinks continuing with the website is warranted, it will need to make that decision sometime in the future.
Street Light Report – Joan reported that PG&E was contacted about the street lights. If any of us wishes to adopt a street light, we may call 1-800-468-4743 to inquire about street light maintenance; then open a new business account and get a case number. The cost to adopt a light will be between $12 and $15 per month. She suggested that the Board consider paying for the street light that is located at the entrance to Cabrillo Estates. Bob van’t Reit thought that the members may be interested in paying for one street light at each of the five major intersections in Cabrillo. Don will put this issue on the website to see how members feel about having their dues increased by $5 a year to cover these intersection lights. In the meantime, Pam suggested that we get together with our neighbors and share the cost of having the light in front of our houses turned back on, if neighbors are strongly in favor of having some illumination on our streets.
Repairs and Electrical Updating – There is a need for an electrical repair/upgrade at the entrance to Cabrillo. Doug Newman has been contacted and estimates the work to cost about $1800. Harold Vest will coordinate this and proceed with having the project completed.
Nominating Committee for next year’s Board Positions - Pam informed the Board that resignation letters have been received from John Sharp (secretary) and Joan Larive (second VP) for personal reasons. Also, Pam will not be continuing as President next year and Bob van’t Reit is only finishing out the year as CSD contact. So, there are four openings on the Board for next year. A Nominating Committee of three people will be needed to locate people willing to serve. Sam Taylor and Jim Whitson have agreed to be part of this committee. Bob van’t Reit said he would be on the Architectural Review Committee to replace Ben Graef (also deceased this past year).
Voluntary CEPOA Dues – There was a discussion about our dues and why everyone isn’t required to pay. Tract 1342 residents are required to pay dues because it was written into their CC&Rs before anyone built a residence.
Fire Hydrants – Harold Vest will call the Fire Department to see when they might come out to test, clean out, and paint the fire hydrants.
ADJOURNMENT: Since there was no further business, Pam adjourned the meeting at 8:30 PM.
JULY 18, 2010
The short meeting before dessert was served at the annual BBQ was brought to order by Pres. Pamela Burden. She greeted everyone present, (about 60 strong!) and thanked the current board of directors who are serving so selflessly for all of Cabrillo residents. Past years’s President, Cheryl Dove was thanked for her service with a gift of an unusual glass vase, compliments of Pamela. Yvonne Solipasso as secretary was also commended.
Bob Garner, one of our residents, was introduced. He has willingly volunteered to educate us further on the Golden State Water Rate increase. He established a temporary website for this purpose, and encouraged each of us to write to the PUC regarding our outrage over this 48% increase in rates. He has gotten the approval from the Board to have a large sign put up at the entrance to Los Osos by South Bay Blvd and Los Osos Valley Road, so that all Los Osos residents can become more aware, as it affects all of this area.
Don Burden was introduced to recap the present situation with the street rights being turned off in Cabrillo Estates. As the CSD is no longer representing us as our lighting district (because of the failed vote last year) we are on our own as to how we want to proceed. We could become our own lighting district, but that would require an official vote which is at least $2,000 to accomplish, and we wouldn’t want to even begin this process unless we knew that most everyone wished them to resume in some form or another. Don took a show of hands to just get a pulse on how residents here at the BBQ felt about the darkness, and it was 21 to 4 to have the lights in some form turned back on. (Of those people who had lights in the area where they lived.)
The CC&R committee was introduced, being Bob Van’t Riet, chairperson, Jim Whitson, Marie Ducasse, and Margaret Bertrand. They have been meeting weekly to compile a first draft of CC&R’s and will be ready to present to the board in the near future. After careful review, we will take the next step and seek some legal advice before we would present anything to our residents in Cabrillo. This too would require a vote of property owners down the line.
Before adjourning the meeting for those present to indulge their sweet tooth with dessert, Pamela made some comments regarding our volunteer organization. She stressed continued interest in keeping our hill the special and unique place it has been since its incorporation back in the 1960’s. A lot of the first homeowners are no longer with us, or after having served on the Board in the past are now enjoying their retirement to its fullest. However, the need for an active Board is imperative if we wish to be heard by our local, city, and county governments. She encouraged everyone present to think about being on the Board themselves, and not to forget the office of President, which she will be vacating at the end of the year.
The meeting was adjourned at 1:00 pm
Respectfully submitted,
Mickey Spencer, 1st Vice President (substitute secretary for this meeting)
JUNE 24, 2010
The meeting, held at the home of Pamela and Don Burden, was called to order by CEPOA President Pamela Burden at 6:05 p.m. Board members present were Pam Burden, Harold Vest, Jim Parks, Mickie Spencer and Steve Auslender. Guests were Don Burden, Lainie Wachter, Jim Whitson, Bob Garner, Marleta Garner, Cheryl Dove, Peter Bresler, Leon Goldin, Margaret Bertrand and Tamara Kaizuka.
Pam said the Minutes of the last meeting (April 22, 2010) were previously e-mailed to the Board. A copy was available for those wishing to read them. The one change to be made is the date of this meeting, June 24th, rather than June 18th, as per the Minutes. It was moved and seconded to approve the Minutes. Harold Vest requested a copy of the Minutes from the January, 2010 meeting.
Treasurer’s Report
Harold Vest distributed copies of the CEPOA Financial Report as of June 30, 2010. The largest recent expenditure was the $1,385.00 premium for Directors’ liability insurance paid in June. There were no other noteworthy changes or expenses. It was moved and seconded to approve the report as written.
Old Business
Pam sent an e-mail on June 17th to Brent and Gina Blasingame regarding the often overflowing trash cans left on the street days before pickup by vacationers who rent their home. She asked that they consider calling Mission Disposal and requesting an available service to return the cans to the place they are kept on the property. To date, she has had no response from the Blasingames. Photos have been taken of the filled cans.
Pam and Don Burden had a meeting with Dan Gilmore, the CSD Manager, regarding street lighting in Cabrillo Estates. He stated that the lighting assessment will be taken off our property tax bills, since the lights have now gone out in most of our neighborhood. In the future, the CSD will offer help to provide us with new LED lighting or will assist in helping us set up our own lighting district. Don said the CSD in not interested in being in the middle of our lighting decision. Before an election is held to determine whether residents want street lights (which election will cost over $2,500), a questionnaire will go out to determine the majority opinion. Leon suggested we look to the Federal government for funding for new lighting. Jim Parks said that if neighbors want to get together and have one responsible for receiving the bills, PG&E will turn lights back on in any part of the neighborhood where people want them.
CEPOA Board Meeting
June 24, 2010
Page 2
Old Business, Cont’d
The discussion turned to curb appeal. Pam would like to send letters to those residents whose yards need clearing and/or clean-up. County street maintenance will send letters to those with empty lots or areas that need clearing/cutting sometime in July. Pam will address the curb appeal issue, which impacts our property values, in her upcoming newsletter to all residents.
There was discussion about parking recreational vehicles on the street for extended periods of time. There was conversation with Peter Bresler, who attended the meeting and often has his RV parked on the street for longer than the 72 hours allowed by the County, about moving it into his driveway or finding another off-street parking place. No firm conclusion was reached.
The next item of discussion was the upcoming CEPOA Barbeque, which will be held on Sunday, July 18th at Noon at the Red Barn. Mickie Spencer reported that she has been working with O’Steeni’s Deli (who did the food last year). By changing the menu to burgers (beef, turkey or vegi) with all the fixings, plus pasta salad and cole slaw, the charge by O’Steeni’s will be just $7.50 per person. Including dessert, barn rental, clean-up helper and soft drinks, the total price to be charged is $12 per person, rather than the $20 charge last year. It is hoped that more residents will attend. Flyers will go out to all by next week, with checks to be returned to Mickie, who will then give them to Harold.
Congratulations to Mickie for a job well done!
After much discussion, it was decided that there will not be a guest speaker or formal entertainment at the Barbeque. Pam Burden will speak before lunch is served about current neighborhood concerns, including street lights, imminent water rate increases and fuel reduction progress.
The next topic was the enactment of CC&R’s for those portions of Cabrillo where they have expired (tracts 306, 307 and 310). They remain in effect only for tract 1342, the last area to be developed. Margaret Bertrand, Bob Dodge and Marie Ducasse comprise the committee working on this issue. They used the CC&R’s of tract 1342 as a starting point and have put together the 23 points they suggest for new CC&R’s for the remainder of Cabrillo Estates. They will meet next week to write a final draft and will then take them to an attorney for a first no-charge consultation. At that time, they will get an estimate of legal fees for this procedure and will let Pam know. Don Burden said the Board has full authority to take up the CC&R issue and spend the money to put them in place. It was discussed that only about 50% of our property owners pay their $40 per year homeowners dues, even though having an association is definitely to the benefit of all property owners.
CEPOA Board Meeting
June 24, 2010
Page 3
Old Business (CC&R’s) Cont’d
Pam will address the issue of dues in her upcoming newsletter. Margaret will e-mail a completed list of CC&R’s to Pam, who will review them and distribute to the Board for comment. Pam suggested that the Board attend the final meeting of the CC&R committee. Thank you to Margaret and the Committee for your hard work on this issue!
Turning to fuel reduction (fire safety), Leon Goldin and Jim Parks met with Charles Pratt regarding access through the property in Cabrillo he owns. He has verbally agreed to grant access. Leon and Jim will meet with Fire Chief Phil Veneris, who has been an avid supporter of Cabrillo fuel reduction, when he returns from Australia. Leon said he believes once the project is complete, the County will ensure it is maintained, even if the money does not now seem to be available for maintenance. Cheryl Dove said she stays in touch with Phil Veneris (who she worked with extensively when she was CEPOA President) and he wants our fuel reduction project done.
On the subject of fire safety, Jim Parks said no meeting has yet been held with the Emergency Response team to be certain that everyone involved has a radio. Gary Dove is in charge of this issue and Cheryl will tell Gary of this discussion and ask him to call Pam.
New Business
Bob Garner has been taking charge of Cabrillo’s efforts to fight Golden State Water’s proposed 48% rate increase. He spoke to the meeting and detailed the steps he has taken, including conversations with Dan Gilmore of the CSD and with a representative of Golden State, as well as writing letters of protest to the California Public Utilities Commission, Supervisor Bruce Gibson and to Sam Blakeslee’s office. He has also contacted Bob Cuddy of the Tribune to ask that he give this issue some publicity.
Bob read a letter written to the CPUC on June 24th by Supervisor Bruce Gibson stating his concern with the reasons for the proposed increase since there are no details from Golden State about any system improvements to benefit Los Osos. All Cabrillo owners need to write to the CPUC and e-mails will be sent detailing the steps to take. This requested increase will be heard by the CPUC on September 1st. Discussion ensued and it was also decided to take the following steps: Bob Garner will have a large laminated sign made to be placed at the entrance to Cabrillo saying “Golden State wants to increase your water rates by 48% - call Bob Garner at 550-3504”. This should be in place next week.
CEPOA Board Meeting
June 24, 2010
Page 4
New Business (Water Rate Increase), Cont’d
The Board agreed to pay for the sign from our account. Cheryl Dove will talk to the woman who maintains the sign in front of the Community Center and also to Leon Van Buerdan (Welcome to Los Osos sign) about putting the message, “Proposed H20 Increase of 48% - call ___________ (Bob Garner’s phone number) on these signs. If Bob is able to come to the barbeque, he will address all attending about this important issue.
Thank you, Bob, for your time and effort!
Mickie touched briefly on the Holiday party. Last year, it was held at Et Voila, but did not have as many attending as had been hoped. Leon suggests La Palapa in Los Osos and Windows on the Water in Morro Bay was also suggested. Mickie welcomes any and all suggestions of a venue.
The next Board meeting will be held Thursday, October 21, 2010 at the home of Pam and Don Burden. There being no further business, Pam Burden adjourned the meeting at 7:50 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Lainie Wachter
CEPOA Guest Secretary
CEPOA Minutes
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Burden Residence
Pamela Burden, President
Harold Vest, Treasurer
Joan Larive, Second Vice President, Membership
Mickie Spencer, First Vice President, Programs
Jim Parks, Director and CSD Contact
Steve Auslender, Hospitality
Don Burden
Margaret Bertrand
Bob Van’t Riet
Kevin Kaizuka
Bob McKee
Anita McKee
Ted Ladewski
Dennis Krouse
Darlene Krouse, temporary secretary
Cheryl Dove, past President
Since Secretary Liz Kunemoto couldn’t be present, Pam asked Temporary Secretary Darlene to read the minutes of the previous 1/21/10 Board meeting. Joan Larive noted that her name was misspelled in the Newsletter section on page 2. Dennis Krouse indicated that in Old Business on page 2, the money that was given in 1977 for lighting and drainage was given to the County Service Area and not CSD. The CSD was not in existence until years later. Other typos were noted and corrected. Jim Parks moved to accept the corrected Minutes and Steve Auslender seconded the motion. Motion was accepted.
Harold wondered if our Board would be receiving copies of the Minutes. Pam apologized and said she had been unable to print out copies of the 1/21/10 Minutes because her computer was giving her problems, thus she was only able to print out one copy. At future meetings, she will provide copies of the Minutes for all of the Board members.
Treasurer Harold passed out copies of the spreadsheet of income and expenses for the first three months of 2010 along with copies of the financial report as of March 31, 2010. He noted that to date CEPOA assets total $12,111.47. Mickie moved to accept the Treasurer’s Report and Steve seconded the motion. Motion was accepted.
OLD BUSINESS:Vacation Rentals
Pam wrote a note to the Wilsons following the Board of Supervisors meeting in which she stressed that our CEPOA Board had not objected to their vacation rental because of any personal malice against them. Pam asked our Board to accept her note and have it included in our Minutes. Jim Parks moved and Steve Auslender seconded the motion to have Pam’s note included in our Minutes. Motion carried.
Retraction Letter from Attorney Babak Nafiey
Letter and Report on Tree at Entrance – Kellett Residence
Pam also read a proposed letter she is sending to the Kelletts. With this letter, she will include a copy of the County’s letter and indicate that neither the County or CEPOA sees the need to contribute financially to the trimming or removal of the tree at this time. However, the Kelletts may feel free to pursue the trimming of the tree as the County recommended if they still wish to do so.
Jim Parks motioned and Joan Larive seconded the motions to include the County’s letter and Pam’s letter in our Minutes. Both motions carried.
Street and Curb Maintenance
Mickie moved and Jim seconded the motion to include the County’s letter in our Minutes. Motion carried.
There were some other related concerns that were brought up. Joan noted some problems she found with residences where foliage has grown over the curb and covers their residence numbers. Possibly this sort of issue could be rectified simply by sending an email to the home owner and making a request that the homeowner take care of the problem. Pam suggested it be noted in the summer newletter she will write.
Kevin Kaizuka brought up the subject of other tree problems in Cabrillo. Some could cause liability issues for CEPOA. A discussion followed about the large tree belonging to the Dalidios on Rodman Drive. The branches overhang half of the street in front of their home. There were concerns about branches that could drop and cause accidents to passers by. Pam will consult Jeremy Ghent about this in the same letter re overgrown foliage into the street.
Fire Focus
Street Light Issue
First, we have to determine if we want the lights to be turned back on. Pam and Don contacted Bruce Gibson at the County about this. He said that the County is Ok with whatever we decide to do. We can essentially become our own lighting district. If we decide to have the lights turned back on, the County will collect the money for the lights from the residences, tax us about $600 or $700 per year for administrative costs, return the remaining money to CEPOA, and then CEPOA can pay PG&E for the power used. If we decide to do this, we would need to have LOCSD sign off on this since this agency is presently administering the lighting. (LOCSD stopped paying PG&E for the lights.) Because a tax is involved, it will be necessary to have a vote of the residents on the lighting issue.
There are many other decisions to be made on this. There may be some legal costs involved. We may want to consider LED lights. These are more expensive to install, but they are more economical to operate .
Newsletter that Pam sends out during the summer will address the lighting issue.
Barbecue in July Report
Pam suggested changing the format of the barbecue event so that we have a brief business meeting before the eating begins. This change might capture more of those who would normally leave right after eating.
Bob Van’t Reit reported on what he had learned about the historical formation of the various tracts in Cabrillo. The first tract was #307, with 77 home sites (although not all were usable), and it was formed in 1964 followed by tract #306 also, just a few days later, in 1964. There were 136 homes built in tract #306. Then came tract #310 which allowed Chuck Pratt to put in more lots. In this tract, the only street that is not County maintained is Austin Court. The last tract to be created was #1342 in 1989. This is the tract off of Madera which contains 30 to 40 home sites. This tract has complete CC&Rs in existence. If we do CC&Rs, all of these tracts will need to be included. There are a total of 256 home sites in all of these tracts.
Margaret Bertrand indicated she had spoken to other groups about their CC&Rs. Those groups had hired attorneys from other areas to do their CC&Rs. There is one attorney locally – Chris Guenther – who specializes in doing homeowner CC&Rs. They would have to be approved by 51% of the homeowners by means of secret ballot. The process of hiring an attorney to draw up the homeowner CC&Rs could be costly. Presently attorney fees range in the $225/hour category. Other costs would have to be factored in as well. Monarch Grove is presently doing an update of their CC&Rs. So far, she learned from one of their members that they have spent $6000 to update them. Margaret submitted a written report of her findings. Please see the attached report.
Trash at the Blassingames’ Vacation Rental
Mickie moved and Steve seconded the motion to have Pam write a letter to the Blassingames to request that they make arrangements with Mission Disposal for picking up their vacation rental trash. Motion carried.
1" Water Line
Jim motioned and Steve seconded the motion to have CEPOA send a letter to the PUC Appeals Committee objecting to the 1" water line meter requirement. Motion carried.
Future Emailings of CEPOA Notices
It was agreed that the next meeting will be held at the Burdens’ home on June 18, 2010 at 6:00 PM.Since there was no further business, Pam adjourned the meeting at 8:00 PM. – Joan noted that there are 256 properties that receive notices from CEPOA whenever the need arises and they can be expensive to mail. It is more efficient and cost effective to do emailings. Andrea Wasko is willing to do Yahoo group emailings to our membership if she has everyone’s email addresses. Some are shown in our directory, but many are not. She encouraged us to give her our email addresses if they’re not shown in the directory. – Jim Parks spoke about the problems created by the 1" water line requirement. This will raise rates, require an extra pump, create a need for another meter reader, etc. He encouraged the Board to send a letter to the PUC Appeals Committee, sometime before August, to object to this requirement. – Presently trash is being left out and not picked up by Mission Disposal. Pam will write a letter to the Blassingames suggesting that they pay the $4.00 per week to have Mission Disposal come and do the pick up of this trash. – Pam consulted with Bruce Gibson concerning our CC&Rs and the need to create new ones now that our previously existing ones have expired. She has formed a committee of four people to research the necessary conditions to be addressed in our newly formed CC&Rs and the legal ways to go about creating these. The committee is headed up by Bob Van’t Reit, with others being Jim Whitson, Margaret Bertrand, and Marie Ducasse. – Mickie indicated that the barbecue is scheduled for July 18 at the Red Barn from noon to 3:00. Our Red Barn reservation has required a $108 deposit. Although the barbecue won’t begin until noon, this will give us use of the barn from 9AM until 4 PM to cover preparation and clean-up. She has spoken to a couple of potential barbecue caterers and feels that we could still hold the price for the barbecue at $20 per person. This would cover cost of the barn, catering, paper goods, and dessert. She is still going to talk further with the caterers to discuss the details more thoroughly. As yet, no commitment for the catering has been made.– Don Burden reported that the lights are gradually being turned off by PG&E. The lights that are turned off presently have a little red device on top of each one that prevents the lights from being turned on after dark. Presently, PG&E is out of these devices, but will put them on all the lights in Cabrillo when they replenish their supply of these. – Cheryl noted that she had spoken to Leon Goldin about the fire issue, but hadn’t received a definitive answer to her questions. Apparently, Cal Fire is waiting for a permit which would expand the area of hazardous fire fuel reduction. This would include more of Los Osos. Cheryl has sent an email to Phil Veneres,the Fire Chief, but has not received a response from him. Because of all the rain we’ve had this year, it is expected that we will have even more dry grass than we’ve had in the past. – People have asked about curb maintenance responsibility whereby foliage has grown out into the street on some of the vacant lots in Cabrillo. Pam contacted the County about this also and received a letter back from Jeremy Ghent answering her questions. The County does weed abatement on vacant lots and this includes the cost of doing this on the landowners tax bill. It will also do the removal, from vacant lots, of foliage that has grown out into the street if CEPOA will send them the addresses of these lots. Joan was kind enough to drive around and note the addresses that need foliage removal. Pam will forward this info on to Jeremy Ghent shortly. – The Kelletts have asked who is responsible for trimming or removing the tall pine tree at the entrance to Cabrillo. Pam contacted the County about the tree and received a letter from the County indicating that the tree is healthy and would not fall under their policies for removal at this time. If the neighboring land owner would want the tree trimmed, they would need to pursue this under the County Tree Policy Land Use Code… at their own expense. Since the tree is on a County parcel, liability would be the County’s. Currently, the County’s position is that the tree situation does not seem to warrant County personnel to do any trimming or removal. – At the Board of Supervisors meeting in which the vacation rental issue was addressed, attorney Babak Nafiey, who was the attorney for other Cabrillo residents, stated that he was the attorney for the CEPOA Board. This was not correct. Pam sent him some email messages in which she asked Mr. Nafiey to send a retraction letter to the Board of Supervisors. He did so and he sent Pam a copy of the letter he sent to the Board of Supervisors. Mickie moved and Steve seconded the motion to have Babak Nafiey’s retraction letter included in our Minutes. Motion was accepted. – Pam reported that the Board of Supervisors upheld the opinion of our CEPOA Board and voted down unanimously the appeal by the Wilsons to have their home in Cabrillo permitted as a vacation rental. According to Supervisor Bruce Gibson, the Board’s decision was unanimous because it was mentioned that we had CC&R’s. In recent years, there are other vacation rentals that were allowed to occur, but to prevent other vacation rentals from occurring in the future, we need to resurrect those expired CC&R’s.Everyone present signed an attendance sheet upon entering the Burdens’ home. Pam introduced the guests who were present.
The meeting was called to order at approximately 6:05 PM by CEPOA President Pamela Burden.
CEOPA Mtg 1/21/10 Called to order @ 6:05 by Pres. Pam Burden Moment of silence in memory of Jim Barbour who passed away Dec. 31, 2009. Intro. of guests: Deanna Taylor, Martha Goldin Don Burden Minutes of meeting of 11/12 were approved. Treasurer, Harold Vest presented treasurer report. Old Business discussed: Street Lights are still on...why? Various attendees asked questions concerning status of lights. Per Don Burden, LOCSD needs $7000 to keep lights on. Only $1500 is being collected. (Per LOCSD, $3 - $4,000 is needed to hold a vote.) Conclusion that we need electric dept. rep to produce evidence of actual cost of lighting. Lighting issue will be put away until lights are off and more idea of how to proceed. Motion approved. Curb Appeal/Recreational Vehicles on the Street: Margaret D. will contact county individual concerning trimming overgrowth into the street. One vehicle parked on Travis is main issue - safety concern due to curve of the road. There was discussion as to who to contact concerning ordinance relating to parking on the street. Los Osos Firesafe Focus Group: Leon Goldin presented information Vacation Rentals: Bob Shaban spoke regarding topic. Noise, traffic etc. are considerations as impact in Cabrillo Estates. Permit exists for vacation rental at Rodman and San Jacinto (old type of permit). 6 minors use permits exist currently in Los Osos for vacation rentals. Bob encouraged residents to attend a meeting participation at county meeting to address concerns over the Wilsons’ permit application and appeal of application denial. Carpooling will be available per Pam Burden for those who don’t wish to drive themselves to SLO. Babak Naficy - attorney was mentioned to approach for assistance with this. CCNRs have expired, can they be renewed? Need 100% approval to renew since expiration is understood by.... Bob will investigate restoration of CCNRs. Xmas Party ’09 Participation was low per Mickey. ***Marie Ducasse and Jim Parks brought up subject concerning $35,000+ given to CSD in 1977 (approx.) for lightening and drainage...records were stolen so there is no accounting of this money. Jim Witsen will be consulted with concerning this issue. New Business: Tree Trimming by the Kellets (Darlene). Tree @ entrance to Cabrillo Estates - property tree is on county property. Residents of property are asking for trimming of tree. The question is who is liable to pay for trimming - county or Cabrillo. Trimming quotes are approx. $1,100. Don Burden suggests we need to contact Supervisor Bruce Gibson to be definitive as to who’s liable for this tree. Just because Cabrillo beautifies the entrance, shouldn’t mean Cabrillo is liable for the tree. Spring Luncheon will be deleted - not a good time of year. BBQ will be moved to June/July. View Preservation Jim Whitson could not attend tonight. Marie Ducasse speaks on his behalf. Since Jim Barbour is gone now, we will not have a notary available for notarization of view preservation material. Newsletter Next meeting: April 22, 2010, 6pm Golden State Water company (Jim Parks) 48+% price increase. State wants to encourage water conservation by raising the fees. Suggestion to consider buying stock in Golden State Water Co. Talk about drilling new well w/more nitrates - but will blend with other water. Jim encourages that the the CEPOA as a group gets involved in this situation. We need to do something quickly to speak up about this proposed increase and inform everyone by email. Donation from Russ Westfall who gave Jim Parks cb radio (value $80) as payment for 2 years dues. (Emergency Response Team will use this equipment.) Further discussion about inviting various appropriate agencies to CEPOA meetings is a good idea; ie. invitation of Fire Dept. to BBQ. Cheryl Dove - thanked and acknowledged Joanie Larive for her efforts on the directory. Meeting was adjourned at 8:15pm.